Monday, November 23, 2009


Monday, November 23, 2009
The gift, anointing and call on your life may be uncommon. You may be equipped far beyond the fruit you have seen produced in your life. You may carry an authority that supersedes that which you have be given to steward. You may carry revelation knowledge and find few students to teach. You may be a tenacious stalwart....and even have been recognized as one who carries far more then you even recognize. But if YOU have recognized it.....even if the Lord has allowed you to be aware and see......His manifest grace, presence and power will be upon your obedience right where you are. So while He is getting you where He needs you for your future......He will test your obedience and faithfulness in your present.

He will weigh your report, search your heart, examine your mind......will He find "faith" when He comes? "Faith" is active working.

I charge you dear one........stay the course....look not to the right nor to the left.....stay strait (straight).......keep your eyes firmly fixed on the Author. Don't let down, give out, give up, faint.....and if you are weary...just HOLD ON! If you may hold on to me! Do not strive….
but always TRY!

Keep going because there is no doubt you are beyond your years in HIS equipping!

What shall the devil's report be.......what will he say? "We won!"? or will he say; "They could not be stopped!……though we tried and tried!"

Keep moving onward and will meet the expected end where His glory will arise upon you and all you see within shall be yours to experience and fulfill.

I Love YOU! and I sure love HIM!
His Revivalist


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