Monday, November 23, 2009

Thankful~Heart Ponderings

Monday, November 23, 2009
Wanna take a moment and say some things you are thankful for? Please feel free to join me here!

As you, I have so many things to be thankful for. I could list a number of them in this post....but I want to mention just one right now. I'll return numerous times I'm sure to post others.

I have been in ministry all my adult life. I actually started as a teen. I have from a child been a bold and outspoken leader..with followers. Am I thankful for this.......ummmmmm?? I reckon. I think I just don't know anything else, it's just been my life as the call activated very early for me.

I often re-evaluate and journey back through the years...surveying the good/bad, right/wrong, on target/mistakes that have been a part of my life and ministry.

As I do, I am reminded of the many many people who have been a part of my life...all somehow by the assignment of God for a season. Every time I recall them I have to say a prayer of thanks to Daddy. I wish I could thank them all personally, whether it was a quality relationship or adversity and pain....because somehow each one of them were part of the intricate fashioning of this vessel. I often cringe when I think how many mistakes I have made and how many people I have hurt while finding my way in Him. Oh the pros and cons of on the job training! Gratitude overtakes when I think how he has trusted me and yet He knew I would make a mess of things at times....these thoughts result in tears.

What am I most thankful for? The trust of my King and then the trust of others. For all who chose to take a chance with trusting me, or the JESUS in me.... those who stood beside me even when they clearly viewed my humanity....who looked "beyond" during their appointed season with me. Some were lead by God, some may not have been but God used all for benefit.

Some had to exit my life because it was time; some because they chose not to grow where they were; but honestly, I am saddened that some exited because I was wrong and wronged them. I am absolutely thankful for each one of them. That any human being would take a chance on another, attempting to trust, chancing disappointment and hurt....and especially with a Christian leader....or at least this Christian leader.

All of eternity will not be long enough to first, worship the King for choosing me in spite of me....and secondly, to thank every believer who ever trusted, stood by me, looked beyond my humanity.....loved me.....and especially all of those who have forgiven me.

I am so grateful for those who have stood and still stand beside me now for years. They have also seen my Humanity, yet have faithfully recognize something more, something deeper...and have pressed me into the deeper. Maybe I've grown up some.

If you dear reader find yourself in this note, I pray your life has been mended and molded by the Jesus in me....but if it has been wounded by my humanity....please forgive me.....and please know, I am so grateful for the season I was afforded YOU in my life. Ever Thankful!

May God be praised for all!

Thank you for letting me post my heart ponderings.


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