Monday, November 23, 2009


Monday, November 23, 2009
IF I......
If I could, were it permitted,
If I was empowered,
If HE would say "YES!"
I would come to your rescue!
I would lift your burden!
I would abundantly meet your need!
I would heal your soul!
I would be your remedy!
I would take away your dis-ease!
I would shower you with affection!
I would solve your problem!
I would manifest your answer!
I would caress your hurt!
I would bandage your festering wounds!
I would remove the sad memories!
I would kiss away your sorrows.
I would take the journey for you!
I would remove every obstacle,
I would clear your path!
I would make your way easier,
I would cancel your debt!
I would remove your struggle
I would destroy your every enemy!
I would take them on myself.
I would make you accepted!
I would set friends all around!
I would set you up surrounded in comfort
I would saturate you with forgiveness,
I would brand you with my Love!
It grieves me that I cannot do it all,
I will do what He empowers me to do
If you my co-laborer are facing a difficult season please know someone cares!

His Revivalist


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